Reviewing PPKM Level 4, Kakorlantas Also Checks Vaccination of Angkot Drivers in Papua

PAPUA – The Head of the Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) of the National Police, Inspector General Istiono, checks vaccinations in the Papua region. In addition, the two-star general also reviewed the implementation of PPKM Level 4 in the earth of paradise.

Istiono said that he was accompanied by the President Director of PT Jasa Raharja Rivan Achmad Purwantono and the Deputy Chief of the Papua Police Brigadier General Eko Rudi Sudarto. Isitiono said that his party checked the vaccinations carried out by the Papuan Regional Police, mainly to accommodate angkot drivers.

“On this occasion, we saw the implementation of vaccines, vaccine booths carried out by the Papuan Police. This is especially intended for drivers, drivers here and their families,” said Istiono in Papua, Thursday (12/8/2021).

He said that at least 350 people had been vaccinated in this activity. Istiono also hopes that this vaccination can form community herd immunity, especially among drivers.

In addition, Istiono said the vaccination was also related to the implementation of the 20th PON in Papua in the near future. According to him, drivers are the main element controlling mobility.

“This continues to be related to the preparation of PON in the Papua region. PON which will be held in the Papua region, this driver is the main agent, he controls the mobility of the transports in the Papua region. It has to be healthy first too. We have to pay attention to everything,” he said.

In addition, Istiono also reviewed the implementation of PPKM Level 4. Istiono said that there are eight points of isolation posts that are divided into cities and at the border.

“Earlier, we saw in the field that the Papuan Police built 3 post points on the border and 5 points in the city to maintain mobility, so that the movement of these people can really be managed optimally to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” he said.

In line with Istiono, President Director of PT Jasa Raharja Rivan Achmad Purwantono said that this time the vaccination prioritized the drivers. Overall, Jasa Raharja has vaccinated drivers at six terminals in Java, Sulawesi and Papua.

“And this goal is that we really increase the herd immunity of all levels of society, regardless of anyone and in this activity we also provide social assistance is part of our attention to all people in need,” said Rivan.

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