Former Jokowi Adjutant General becomes Brigadier General, according to a list of 26 police officers promoted.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo led the Corps Reporting Ceremony or promotion of 26 police officers at the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta (South Jakarta) this afternoon. The National Police has six new Inspector Generals and 20 Brigadiers General.

“Earlier, the Rapporteur Corps was promoted. There were 26 in number, of which six people from Brigadier General to Inspector General Pol, and 20 Brigadier General Pols who were inaugurated, “said Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters on Tuesday (10/8/2021).

General Sigit, said Argo, hoped that the new Kapolda would be able to resolve the problems that exist in their respective regions, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Argo said that Sigit also wanted public security and order to be well maintained, apart from supporting government programs such as the implementation of the Corona vaccination.

Furthermore, to the new Brigadiers General, Sigit hopes that they can be role models in their respective places. The reason is, there are those who will serve outside the police.

“And then, for those who are promoted to Brigadier General Pol, there are also those who are outside the police structure. Of course, they become ambassadors from the police so that later, after working outside the police, they will bring the name of the police and set an example and role model there. So that later everything will go well, “said Argo.

“Of course, that hope was conveyed by the National Police Chief. And of course, with this inauguration and certificate, there is a regeneration of the Polri organization, which, of course, is to carry out the main tasks that we do, “he added.

On that occasion, Sigit inaugurated Inspector General Wahyu Widada as HR Chief of the National Police, Inspector General Ahmad Haydar as Aceh Regional Police Chief, and Inspector General Slamet Uliandi as Head of the ICT Division.

One of the new generals appointed by Sigit is Brigadier General Johnny Eddizon Isir. Isir is a former aide to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

The following is a complete list of the 26 new high-ranking officers (pati) of the National Police who were appointed by the National Police Chief this afternoon:

From Brigadier General to Inspector General:

1. Inspector General I Wayan Sukawinaya

2. Inspector General Wahyono

3. Inspector General Winarto

4. Inspector General Rudi Darmoko

5. Inspector General Slamet Uliandi

6. Inspector General Roycke Harry Langie.

From Kombes to Brigadier General:

1. Brigadier General Edhy Moestofa

2. Brigadier General Djoko Poerbohadidjojo

3. Brigadier General Tjatur Abrianto

4. Brigadier General Vishnu Handoko

5. Brigadier General Gagas Nugraha

6. Brigadier General M Indra Gautama

7. Brigadier General Rohmad Nursahid

8. Brigadier General Sukandar

9. Brigadier General Andi Fairan

10. Brigadier General Chuzaini Patoppoi

11. Brigadier General Sofyan Nugroho

12. Brigadier General R. Yoseph Whastono Yoga Pranoto

13. Brigadier General Heri Armanto Sutikno

14. Brigadier General Djoko Prihadi

15. Brigadier General Andry Wibowo

16. Brigadier General Andhi Triastanto

17. Brigadier General Abdul Karim

18. Brigadier General Hermanta

19. Brigadier General Barito Mulyo Ratmono

20. Brigadier General Johnny Eddizon Isir

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