Jakarta, Beritasatu.com – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that economic growth must be accompanied by the implementation of Covid-19 control strategies. The Provincial Government, Regional Government, TNI, Polri, and related agencies together with the community are expected to work together to ensure that health protocols are carried out in a disciplined and strict manner, especially in the economic center of the community.
This was stated by Listyo when chairing a meeting with the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto regarding the handling and control of Covid-19 together with Forkopimda Bantul and Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), Sunday (8/8/2021).
Listyo revealed, DIY Province experienced an economic growth of 11.81 percent amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, at the national level, the Indonesian economy grew by approximately 7.07% in the second quarter of 2021. The momentum for economic growth must be maintained by strengthening public health, so that the economy continues to move in the midst of a pandemic.
“DIY’s economy has grown by 11.81 percent. We have to maintain this momentum of economic growth with health as the basic capital. If the Covid-19 case can be suppressed, economic growth can return to normal. So it is necessary to carry out a Covid-19 control strategy while still paying attention to balance , said Listyo.
Listyo said the Covid-19 control strategy was to implement health protocols such as washing hands, wearing masks and maintaining distance (3M) with discipline. Then strengthening tracing, testing and treatment (3T), as well as acceleration or acceleration of vaccination.
“This shows optimism that Indonesia is resilient in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, and is ready to make a leap in economic growth,” he said.
Listyo said the government had made every effort in accordance with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) instructions, such as accelerating vaccination, especially in areas that are centers of mobility and economic activity. Then, massively implementing 3M and implementing 3T, maintaining the availability of bed occupancy ratio (BOR), adding centralized isolation facilities, ensuring the availability of medicines, and oxygen supply.
Listyo appealed to the Provincial Government, Regional Government, TNI, Polri, and related agencies to work together with the community to ensure that health protocols are carried out in a disciplined and strict manner, especially in the economic center of the community. Then, strengthen the roles and tasks in the implementation of Micro PPKM.
“Case finding must be done early so that therapy can be carried out early. The use of isolation is centralized at the sub-district and district/city levels so that patients with mild symptoms can be treated, monitored, and immediately referred if symptoms worsen,” he said.
According to Listyo, the implementation of self-isolation must also implement good protocols, such as collecting data and installing stickers by including the contact numbers of Bhabinkamtibmas, Babinsa, and health workers. Then, prohibiting residents from mobilizing outside their homes and conducting intensive patrols, creating special Whatsapp groups for exposed residents to facilitate communication with officers, and periodically spraying disinfectants around the house.
“Distributing basic living necessities and medicines to residents’ homes, and carrying out special treatments and regular health checks to speed up healing,” he explained.
Then, said Listyo, acceleration of vaccination must also be carried out in synergy with all levels of society. So that the target of herd immunity or group immunity against the corona virus can be realized immediately.
In addition, accelerating the distribution of social assistance and medicine packages. The goal is to help ease the burden on the community in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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