PADANG, HARIANHALUAN.COM – Wakapolri Komjen Pol Gatot Eddy Pramono during a working visit to the City of Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) gave several directions for the community and relevant stakeholders in the City of Bingkuang.
The Deputy Chief of Police conveyed several directions and motivations for all related parties, starting from the ranks of the Padang City Government and the community. He also praised the commitment and concern of Padang residents, such as establishing PPKM Command Posts in every RW and kelurahan as a step to minimize the spread of Covid-19.
“I think if the concern of the residents here can be an example for other regions, it is very good. Because here the implementation of the 5M Prokes has been carried out well,” he said, on the sidelines of a review conducted by the Deputy Chief of Police at the Mata Air Lurah Office, South Padang District, Wednesday (4 /8/2021).
The agenda he carried out was to review several self-isolation places, the Covid-19 Joint and the Command Post for Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Level 4 at several points.
In addition, he also carried out a review of the process of implementing the Covid-19 vaccination along with the delivery of social assistance (bansos) for the National Police. Not to forget, the Deputy Chief of Police also handed over gifts for health workers and Covid-19 patients who were in isolation.
Padang Mayor Hendri Septa welcomed the visit of the Deputy Chief of Police, Komjen Pol Gatot Eddy Pramono, to Padang City, West Sumatra (West Sumatra).
“Alhamdulillah, today we have the Deputy Chief of Police who is carrying out a number of agendas in Padang City. For that, on behalf of the Padang City Government, we really welcome and thank you of course,” he said.
On the occasion, the West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Toni Harmanto and Padang Police Chief Kombes Pol Imran Amir, Dandim 0312/Padang Colonel Inf M.Ghoffar Ngismangil were also present. Also seen is the Head of South Padang Sub-district, Teddy Antonius, along with the Village Head of Springs, Betty Ernita and other related elements.
Furthermore, the number one person in the city of Padang admitted that his party continues to intensively remind the public to remain disciplined in implementing the health protocol (5M).
Selanjutnya Wakapolri menekankan kedepannya warga Padang dapat terus menjalankan Prokes 5 M dan bagi pihak puskemas agar tetap menjalankan 3T dengan metode yang benar.
Diakui Wakapolri seluruh pihak mungkin sudah lelah menangani penyebaran virus Covid-19, Namun harus tetap semangat untuk terus berjuang memutuskan mata rantai penularan Covid-19.
“Patuhi 5 M dan Kuatkan 3 T. Serta lakukan Isolasi Mandiri dengan baik. Untuk itu edukasi kepada masyarakat harus terus dilakukan agar dapat meminimalisir,” jelasnya.
Seperti diketahui, orang nomor dua di tubuh Polri tersebut menyambangi Kota Padang dalam rangka kunjungan kerja mulai selama Selasa, 3 Agustus 2021 hingga Rabu, 4 Agustus 2021.
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