WARTAKOTALIVE.COM, BEKASI – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo immediately inspected the vaccination center, targeting 1,100 students and the general public with the Sinovac brand vaccine which was held at Bhayangkara University, Greater Jakarta, Bekasi City, Saturday (31/07/21).
The arrival of the number one person in the Polri environment was also welcomed by Alumni of the Indonesian Armed Forces 91 who were already waiting at the location along with the Chancellor of Ubhara (University of Bhayangkara) Bambang Karsono, along with government officials, the Bekasi City Metro Police, and the Dandim 0507/Bks.
Meanwhile, the vaccination activity is also in order to support the acceleration of vaccination nationally, which is one of the government’s strategic programs in order to accelerate herd immunity to the community.
“Of course I really appreciate the cooperation of colleagues who are members of the BEM alliance, and especially colleagues who are members of the Bhara Daksa battalion who today have helped implement and initiated acceleration related to mass vaccination,” said Listyo.
According to him, in the framework of the 30th anniversary of the Bhara Daksa Battalion, he appreciates the participation of students as volunteers in national vaccination activities.
“We are very happy that this collaboration can be carried out and we have said that it will not stop here and will continue to be carried out in several areas and of course we are very happy to see younger students ready and willing to become volunteers with their abilities,” he said.
Not only that, the Bhara Daksa Battalion together with the Alliance of 7 elements of the Nusantara Student Executive Board (BEM) also collaborated in making the event a success.
“This is a good thing that we can synergize,” he said.
On the other hand, the Chancellor of Bhayangkara University, Bekasi City, Bambang Karsono, said that his party welcomes the cooperation given by the Indonesian National Police to the university in administering vaccinations.
“That is our activity which is fully supported by the Chief of Police and the local government,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of West Java, Uu Ruzhanul Ulum said that regarding the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination, the category of children aged 12-17 did not differentiate based on the authority at the district/city or provincial level.
“So for the vaccine problem in West Java, there are no proverbs about the responsibility of the district/city or the responsibility of West Java,” said Uu in his statement, Friday (30/7/2021).
“Similarly for high school or junior high school children, there is no difference. Anyway, all West Java people who are over the age of 12 are the government’s target to be vaccinated,” he said.
On the other hand, this is a response to the Bekasi City Government’s plan to focus first on vaccinating junior high school students or equivalent.
“This target is a district/city as well as provincial target. The vaccine issue can be collaborated, if there is a district, it is a district, a province is a province, so they complement each other, there is no difference,” he said.
“Yesterday also in other places, many high school students were vaccinated, in Cimahi and others. Therefore, there is no sectoral responsibility,” he said.
Previously, it was reported that the Mayor of Bekasi, Rahmat Effendi, said that for the time being the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination program for the category of high school students was still coordinating with the West Java Provincial Government (Pemprov).
“If we have not been able to carry out the Covid-19 vaccination process for high school in Bekasi City, because later we will ask for consideration first from the West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil. Because the high school level in Bekasi City is an authority held by the West Java Province,” he said. .
In other words, he and his party are still waiting for a decision from the West Java Provincial Government, so the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination will first focus on the category of junior high school students or equivalent.
“Yes, we prioritize this vaccination program in junior high schools first in its implementation, because the domain of high school is not in our authority for us to carry out vaccine policies in its implementation,” he said.
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