Jayapura – On Thursday, July 29, 2021, in Jayapura City, the Deputy Chief of the Papua Police, Brigadier General Pol Dr. Eko Rudi Sudarto S.I.K., M.Sc. providing basic food assistance to the community in the context of 30 years of service for the 1991 Police Academy Battalion Bhara Daksa.
Also present at the activity of the Director of Traffic of the Papua Police, Kombes Pol. Mohammad Nasihin, S.H. accompanied by the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Pol. Drs Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, SH., Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation at the Papua Police AKBP Victor D. Mackbon. Sh, S.I.K, MH., M.Sc., Wadansat Brimob Polda Papua AKBP Ignatius Benny S.I.K.
The Deputy Chief of the Papua Police on his occasion said, thank God for the presence of God Almighty for His mercy and guidance, even though in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are still given the opportunity to spread kindness today.
“We alumni of the 1991 Police Academy held a social service. Where this activity is a form of our gratitude to God for devoting ourselves to the country for 30 years.”
“Today, we handed over 225 food packages to residents in different places, namely Taman Mesran Terminal, Base-G Beach, Ojek Laba-Lab Base, Humania Polimak Foundation, Gidi Angkasa Indah Church and at Mama Market. Mama of Jayapura City.”
“It is hoped that the social assistance (Bansos) can help alleviate the economic needs for people affected by Covid-19 in Jayapura City.”
One of the representatives who received assistance on this occasion expressed his gratitude to the Police, especially the 1991 Police Academy alumni who had provided assistance, “Thank you for this assistance, because this assistance is very useful for me especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.”
Hopefully in the future, the 1991 Police Academy alumni can continue to provide the best service to the community.
source : Tribratanews.polri.go.id
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