East Java Police Together with PT Jasa Raharja Hold Vaccination Program in Surabaya

The East Java Regional Police Biddokes and PT Jasa Raharja again synergize to hold Covid-19 vaccinations for all levels of society to assist the government in accelerating the creation of herd immunity at Bungkul Park, Surabaya, on Monday (26/07/21).

This vaccination activity is the third activity held in East Java with a target of 25,000 participants, “said Director of Institutional Relations of PT Jasa Raharja, Munadi Herlambang, in a statement received by Beritasatu.com on Tuesday (27/7/2021).

The Director of Institutional Relations of PT Jasa Raharja said that previously the JRKu vaccinations were successfully held in Malang City, namely at Graha Cakrawala State University of Malang, and at the Jasa Raharja Malang Representative Office on July 24, 2021.

This activity, which was initiated by the East Java Regional Police Biddokkes together with PT Jasa Raharja, the East Java Main Branch, was for the first stage of vaccination for registered people.

This is done to protect the public from Covid-19, especially since the City of Surabaya is currently including the area where the Level 4 Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) is being implemented.

Munadi said that, as protectors and public servants, the National Police and Jasa Raharja have a responsibility to the community to create safe and comfortable conditions, including during the current pandemic.

One form of the company’s concern for the community and to suppress the spread of Covid-19 is the implementation of an intensive vaccination program in various regions.

“With the synergy between the police and Jasa Raharja, we are committed to accelerating the implementation of vaccinations for the community,” concluded Munadi.

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