Enrekang Police Baraka Police personnel carry out activities that are routinely carried out at night, namely the Blue Light Patrol.
This time, the patrol was led directly by the Head of Guard Squad III of the Baraka Police, Aipda Yannas Abdullah, along with two other personnel in the Legal Area of the Baraka Police on Monday (26/07/2021) early in the morning.
Mobiling and Dialogic Patrols in order to monitor the Kamtibmas situation are carried out continuously in order to maintain the security situation and public order in the jurisdiction of the Baraka Polres, Enrekang Police, so that the situation remains stable, safe and conducive.
The Target Patrol along the road between Baraka District and Buntu Batu District, Enrekang Regency
The Head of the Baraka Polres, Enrekang Police, IPTU Lukman, S.H, explained that the patrol activities carried out by its members were a form of repressive action against all other forms of kamtibmas disturbance.
“This aims to maintain public security and order and educate the public to follow health protocols in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic so that they always live healthy and clean lives,” said the Baraka Police Chief.
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