Appeals to the people not to be swayed by PPKM action, Police: We’ll maintain public order safe – The National Police appealed to the public not to be provoked by the invitation to protest against the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) circulating on social media. This is because currently we are still in a pandemic situation which is feared to cause new clusters of Covid-19 transmission.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters Inspector General Pol Argo Yuwono said his party would take firm action against those who continued to hold demonstrations. Especially if the action has been considered disturbing public order.

“If it is done, it will disturb public order, we will secure it,” Argo told reporters, Friday (23/7/2021).

Argo also asked the participants of the action to express their opinions and aspirations online. For example, through group discussion forums or FGDs.

“It can be done with an audience or in the form of an online FGD,” he said.

Calls for rallies throughout the region to reject PPKM previously circulated on social media. One of them is the action entitled ‘The Call for National Action Jokowi End Game’ which is scheduled to take place at the State Palace, Central Jakarta, on Saturday (25/7/2021) tomorrow.

A number of masses from the online motorcycle taxi community aka ojol, students, street vendors, and other community alliances plan to conduct a long march from Glodok, West Jakarta.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus has appealed that the action not be held. Because the Covid-19 pandemic condition in the capital city is still very worrying.

“See that the cemetery hospital is full. Do you want to extend this PPKM again? Meanwhile, the community hopes for relaxation,” said Yusri at Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Friday (23/7/2021).

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