The personnel of the East Banjarbaru Police, the Banjarbaru Police of the South Kalimantan Police, led directly by the IPDA Police Chief, Dr. Subroto Rindang Arie Setyawan, SH, MH, along with members, carried out security for the Eid al-Adha prayer 1442 H and disciplined health protocols in the context of Accelerating the Handling of Covid-19, in the Cempaka District, Banjarbaru City, Tuesday (20/07/2021) at around 07.40 WITA.
The mosque that was targeted this time was the mosque that held the Idhul Adha prayer, 1442 H, which was located in the Cempaka District Area.
Darul Falah Mosque, Cempaka Village, Cempaka District, as Khotib H. Basyuni, Imam G. Muhammad, Bilal Fatrahman. The congregation was about 200 people.
Nurul Aman Mosque, Bangkal Village, Cempaka Subdistrict, as Khotib Supian Nasir, S.Pd.I., Bilal A. Junaidi, Imam M. Zainudin. The congregation was about 200 people.
In addition to security, activities are also carried out in order to ensure health protocols.
IPDA Police Chief Dr. Subroto Rindang Arie Setyawan, S.H., M.H., said that this activity was carried out in order to create a sense of security and comfort for the community in worship, and still adhere to health protocols.
Then also as a way to prevent the theft of motorized vehicles belonging to the congregation of the mosque.
“This activity is carried out by East Banjarbaru Police personnel within the Banjarbaru Police Station to provide a sense of security and comfort to the community during the Idhul Adha prayer, 1442 H”. He concluded.
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