The South Kalimantan Regional Police (Kalsel) opened as many as 130 Precision Vaccine outlets to support one of the government’s programs in efforts to deal with Covid-19 through accelerating mass vaccination.
The Head of the South Kalimantan Regional Police Dokkes, Kombes Pol Dr. Ubaidillah, explained that the Precision Vaccine booth was to facilitate people who had not been injected with the Covid-19 vaccine. The outlets are open every weekday and are free on Monday (19/07/21).
The following are the number of precision vaccine outlets: South Kalimantan Police 3 outlets, Banjarmasin Police 7 outlets, Banjarbaru Police Station 6 outlets, Banjar Police Station 15 outlets, Tapin Police Station 13 outlets, HSS Police Station 11 outlets, HST Police Station 5 outlets, HSU Police Station 8 outlets, Balangan Police Station 7 outlets, Tabalong Police Station 13 outlets, Tala Police Station 10 outlets, Tanbu Police Station 11 outlets, Kota
“For the South Kalimantan Police, the Precision Vaccine Outlets are located at the South Kalimantan Police’s Health Division, Bhayangkara Hospital, and the Head of the South Kalimantan Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters,” explained the Head of the South Kalimantan Police, Dokkes.
Residents can take advantage of this Precision Vaccine Outlet by registering in advance online or coming directly to the location to get the Covid-19 vaccine.
“There are 130 outlets, and we will also carry out Covid-19 vaccinations on a mobile basis. For people who want to be vaccinated, they can come to the outlets provided, “explained the Head of the South Kalimantan Police, Dokkes.
With Vaccine Outlets that are closer to the community, they will realize the importance of maintaining their own health and their environment.
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