Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Pol. Fadil Imran, reminded members to be polite in implementing the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).
“We remind members to be polite, but still enforce the law,” explained Inspector General Pol. Fadil Imran in Jakarta on Sunday (18/07/21).
The Kapolda Metro Jaya said that the current isolation carried out by members at a number of points did not use a structural concept, but a partnership approach concept.
According to the Two-Star General, the enforcement of the rules will not be successful if it is only carried out by the officers themselves. The new rules are successfully enforced when all elements move along.
“Starting from yourself, your own family, your own environment, God willing, everything is safe and going well,” said the Akabri graduate in 1991.
The Regional Government, the Jayakarta Military Regional Command and the Metro Jaya Police only facilitate the enforcement of the rules by offering the concept of a one-gate system.
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