– The National Police Chief General of Police or a.k.a Kapolri, Listyo Sigit Prabowo inspects the vaccination implementation in Bandung, West Java, Thursday (15/7). This activity was organized by the West Java Regional Police Biddokes and the Bandung Islamic Association (Persis) which was held for 1 day at the Persis Bandung Mahad Al Imarat Meeting Building.
In his speech, Sigit appreciated the implementation of this program to realize his immunity. He hopes that all elements of society, both mass organizations, OKP and others throughout Indonesia, work together to accelerate vaccination.
“I saw earlier that there were various kinds of people who took part in the vaccination, starting from Persis residents, and also the surrounding community and this is not only Persis, but also this outlet is opened for everyone who comes with an ID card, it will be served,” said Sigit.
The four-star general emphasized that these vaccination points will continue to be reproduced by collaborating or collaborating with all stakeholders who really want to join forces to accelerate vaccination.
“So, the community can continue to carry out activities and work so that the economy we hope can grow,” he said.
However, of course, even though we have been vaccinated, strict health procedures must still be carried out because our efforts to avoid and provide resistance to our bodies from Covid-19 in addition to vaccines are still ongoing, he continued.
The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police asked the public to comply with the Emergency PPKM that is being implemented by the government. According to him, this is done to reduce the rate of transmission of Covid-19.
So we follow along with us to strengthen vaccination, while we manage our activities so that everything is balanced, and of course we hope that we can fix this soon and society can return to normal. Thank you Kiai and all residents in the Bandung area, we hope that this vaccination program will continue to run and we will be better in the future,” he wrote.
Meanwhile, Sektum Persis Haris expressed his gratitude to the National Police Chief for supporting the mass vaccination activity. He also said that this vaccination was carried out as an effort and effort to suppress the spread of Covid-19.
“This vaccination is part of an effort to suppress the spread of Covid-19 and hopefully it will be a good trend that Islam has a commitment to fight Covid-19,” he said.
He also hopes that herd immunity will be formed soon and the Covid-19 pandemic will pass quickly. In the implementation of this vaccination, the target is as many as 500 members of the Persis mosque congregation and the general public. Meanwhile, the stock vaccine that was prepared was 4,779 doses of the Sinovac type using the stock vaccine from the West Java Regional Police Biddokes.
In this activity, the vaccinator officers involved were 61 vaccinators consisting of 48 Polri personnel and 13 students from 1000 Bhakti Kencana University.
In addition to reviewing the mass implementation, Sigit also reviewed the implementation of the micro PPKM post in the Kiaracondong area, Bandung and the blocking post at the Pasteur Toll Gate.
In the micro PPKM post, Sigit saw the ability of the PCR test facility which can test 50 to 100 samples per day. Meanwhile, at the isolation post at Pasteur Toll Gate, 299 four-wheeled vehicles have been inspected until July 14. As a result, 13 vehicles were turned around and 286 vehicles were allowed to pass.
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