South Sumatra Police Chief Inaugurates the Plaju Police Headquarters Renovation Building Directly

South Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General of Police. Prof. Dr. Eko Indra Heri S MM inaugurated the renovation of the Plaju Sector Police (Polsek) building in the courtyard of the Plaju Mapolsek Palembang, Wednesday (14/7).

Inspector General of Police. Eko said that the physical changes to the Plaju Polsek building must be followed by improving services to the community. “We have to follow this new building by improving services to the community,” said Kapolda.

The Kapolda explained that the services provided to the community do not have to be picky, everyone must get the same service.

“We must not discriminate between people who wear neat clothes or who do not continue to provide maximum service,” explained the Regional Police Chief.

In addition, the Kapolda also invited all elements of society to work together to deal with COVID-19. “Let’s fight Covid-19 together because now the number continues to increase in our region,” said Kapolda.

Even the beds of several hospitals in South Sumatra are 100 percent full, so they have established healthy homes for mild symptoms. “As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, every hospital in South Sumatra is 100 percent full, so we provide healthy homes for only mild symptoms,” said Kapolda.

Therefore, his party will implement the 2020 SOP by examining people who want to enter the territory of both the Regency/City and South Sumatra Province.

“We must remain vigilant by implementing health procedures, wearing masks, staying away from crowds, washing hands and others in the hope of preventing the transmission of COVID-19,” said Kapolda.

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