– The National Police held a mass vaccination for students in Gor Bulungan, South Jakarta. This activity is planned to be attended by 1,566 students.
Kabareskrim Polri Komjen Pol Agus Andrianto said the mass vaccination activity involved 30 Student Executive Boards (BEM). He hopes that this activity can help accelerate the vaccination program being promoted by the government.
“I hope that in the future this synergy can be established even better and be used as a model for younger students in the regions in a sustainable manner. Thus the government’s target of 1 million vaccines and even 2 million per day can be achieved in order to achieve herd immunity. ,” Agus said at Gor Bulungan, South Jakarta, Wednesday (14/7/2021)
Agus said 1,600 doses of Sinovac vaccine had been provided by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to make this activity a success. Students are expected to participate in assisting the government in disseminating the application of health protocols and the implementation of vaccinations.
“Students are an important part of helping the government’s efforts, including conducting socialization and education related to the Covid-19 health protocol, the national vaccination program,” he said.
The former Kabaharkam Police assessed the need for cooperation in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. One of them is from the students.
“The state cannot work alone, it needs community support, especially in this case young people and students,” he concluded.
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