Kakorlantas Explains Tips To Make Emergency PPKM Successful. Here Are The Steps

The Head of the Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) of the National Police, Inspector General Istiono, revealed tips so that the Emergency Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) in Java-Bali which lasted from 3 to 20 July 2021 could be successful.

According to him, patrols and insulation must be carried out intensively with the aim of limiting community mobility through the activation of Micro PPKM.

Then, the Micro PPKM must simultaneously be activated by emphasizing the discipline of the residents because the success of the Micro PPKM will have a positive impact on emergency PPKM, “said the Head of Traffic Police, when checking the insulation carried out by the West Java Regional Kakorlantas was accompanied by Kakorsabhara Baharkam Polri Inspector General Nanang and Head of Operations Section for Korlantas Polri Kombes Rudy Antariksa.

Then, continued Istiono, his party will maximize the involvement of all levels of society down to the micro level, whether it is mass organizations, youth organizations, to housing security personnel who already have stage one and two vaccine certificates.

Istiono also explained efforts to suppress community mobility, namely by limiting access areas in and out of settlements starting from the RT-RW to the village by using poskamling as checkpoints.

“So that the initial mobility can be minimized. This will have an impact on decreasing community mobility in public objects, “he explained.

Kakorlantas also asked members to check the Worker Registration Certificate (STRP) for people who still have to work in essential and critical sectors. If the community does not bring the STRP, then the members are asked to turn the community around.

“SE No. 49/2021 has been issued regarding the travel of domestic people, which requires that people travel to complete the movement of people and vehicles. This will make it easier for friends in the field. If vehicles are found and people are not equipped with STRP, they will be turned around, “he explained.

Not only that, Kakorlantas will also deploy officers to optimize open patrol activities for public objects in all sectors, both essential, non-essential and critical.

“It must be done to ensure that the Emergency PPKM rules run according to the provisions,” he said.

Meanwhile, Kakorlantas also checked the blockade carried out by the West Java Regional Police, in Asia Africa, Bandung and the check point of blocking in Cimahi, on Saturday (10/7).

It is known that the West Java Regional Police have built 353 isolation points.

Istiono sees that the mobility of vehicles in West Java has decreased. This means that the blocking carried out by the West Java Regional Police is in line with expectations.

“When the final mobility has been selected, at the residential level, at the guard post, the inspection is very good,” he said.

“This will reduce the burden of mobility in their respective areas. Hopefully it can be done optimally, “he added.

Lastly, the Traffic Headquarters invites the community to play an active role in the success of Emergency PPKM so that cases of the spread of COVID-19 can be suppressed. Kakorlantas hopes that the community will reduce their mobility and stay at home.

“For people who are not interested in their work, it’s better to just stay at home and don’t go anywhere. This is part of the fight to break the chain of spread of COVID-19. Community participation is key to breaking the chain of spreading COVID-19, “he concluded.

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