End of August East Java Residents Receive Herd Immunity Prize

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo is optimistic that by the end of August 2021, East Java (East Java) Province will soon form Herd Immunity against the corona virus or Covid-19.

This was conveyed by Sigit when conducting a mass vaccination review with the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto at Grand City Mall, Surabaya, East Java, which was organized by WALUBI in collaboration with Kodam V/Brawijaya Representatives

The former Banten Police Chief said that with the cohesiveness of Forkompinda East Java, the target of 300,000 vaccinations a day would be realized. Given, currently in the region on an average day have vaccinated as many as 165,000 per day.

“Hopefully, if this can be maintained and increased to 300,000, at the end of August, it will be a gift for the people of East Java in achieving Herd Immunity,” said Sigit after his review.

Sigit also appreciated the solidity and cohesiveness of the East Java Forkompinda ranks. Because the implementation of mass vaccination can exceed the target. That way, said Sigit, the target of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) related to Herd Immunity against Covid-19 will soon be realized. “Keep up the spirit, keep your distance and wear masks because Covid-19 is still around us. Love our family, love our brothers, love our friends, “said Sigit.

On this occasion, Sigit again socialized the public about the importance of the policy for the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Java-Bali.

The former Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Department explained that the Emergency PPKM was an effort to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus. Thus, the core and purpose of the policy is the safety of all Indonesian people. “So there needs to be a big step. One of them is we carry out emergency PPKM. There are three important things in its implementation, namely, regulating and restricting community mobility, strengthening PPKM Micro activities and vaccinations, “said Sigit.

On the other hand, Sigit said, he would encourage the government, in this case the Ministry of Health, to distribute vaccines as needed, namely approximately 23 million people who need to be injected. Currently, 7.9 million people have been vaccinated.

After reviewing the mass vaccination, the entourage of the TNI Commander and the National Police Chief will conduct direct monitoring at the Micro PPKM post in Sawotratap Village, Gedangan District, Sidoarjo Regency.

Sawotratap Village consists of 11 RW and 60 RT with a population of 11,500 people. There were 81 confirmed cases, 23 recovered cases, 3 deaths and 53 active cases.

The RT-PCR test facility is available at the Gedangan Health Center with a maximum testing capacity of 15 to 20 samples in one day with the speed of testing results per sample for 1 to 2 days. As of July 7, 2021, 2,308 residents of Sawotratap Village have been vaccinated.

On that occasion, the Commander and Chief of the National Police had a dialogue with residents who were self-isolating at home via virtual. The residents claimed to have been well served by officers, especially for daily needs such as basic necessities. “Thank God I was served well. We also also had basic needs, “said the resident.

Meanwhile, the National Police Chief advised that the waste masks used should not be disposed of carelessly. “For the mask waste, please don’t throw it away so it doesn’t spread,” said Sigit.

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