National Police Chief Says TNI-Polri Are Ready to Facilitate Yogyakarta Residents to Accelerate The Mass Vaccination – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo conducted a mass vaccination review at the Multipurpose Building at Adi Sujipto Air Base, Yogyakarta. This visit was carried out with the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin and Head of BNPB Lt. Gen. Ganip Warsito.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said the mass vaccination was targeted at 1,000 people. He also admitted that he is ready to facilitate all elements of society who want to hold mass vaccination activities. According to him, this is an effort to accelerate the formation of Herd Immunity or group immunity against the corona virus.

“If there are people who are interested in holding vaccinations, the TNI-Polri will help to provide facilities and prepare vaccines so that the acceleration of the formation of Herd Immunity can be achieved immediately,” said Sigit at Adi Sutjipto Air Base, Yogyakarta (8/7).

The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police also invited elements of the community or students majoring in Medicine in Yogyakarta to participate and play an active role in the mass vaccination process.

According to him, the more cooperation with various elements of society. So the government’s target to create Herd Immunity will be realized quickly.

“Therefore, on this occasion, such as in Yogya, there are many universities such as Medicine or other places that do have health workers, those who want to join and want to help with vaccination activities held by the government, both TNI-Polri and the local Health Office, are welcome,” he said.

After reviewing the vaccination, the group went straight to the Prambanan isolation post, Yogyakarta, which is located on Jalan Solo TWC, Yogyakarta.

On that occasion, Sigit again provided socialization and education to the public about the need for an insulating policy. According to him, this is a strategy to suppress community mobility, so that it can break the chain of the spread of the corona virus.

“One of the efforts we are carrying out is mobility restrictions because one of the keys to handling Covid-19 is mobility restrictions,” he explained.

From the results of his review, said Sigit, in the recent insulation process, congestion and congestion were still found. However, the incident at the beginning of the policy was due to the fact that there were still residents who still did not understand the essential and critical categories related to the requirements for travellers.

After massive socialization, now people have a much better understanding of these sector categories. Also, there is public awareness about what is being done based on the aim of saving all Indonesian people.

“Therefore, it needs to be socialized and today, Alhamdulillah, people are slowly starting to understand that what is allowed to work is essential and critical. Everything we do is for the safety of the people,” he concluded.

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