Makassar Police Unveils Narcotics Case Two Kilograms Sabu Sabu

Makassar – The Makassar City Police revealed a case of two kilograms of methamphetamine-type narcotics.

“We secure two people on Saturday, March 13, 2021 at around 10.00 WITA, TKP on Jalan Lagaligo, Kec. Ujung Pandang, Makassar City, to be precise in one of the three floor hotels with 305 rooms, “said the Head of Makassar Police, Kombes Pol Witnu Urip Laksana, SIK, in a press conference, Monday (18/03/2021).

He mentioned that the Makassar Police drug unit managed to secure two methamphetamine drug traffickers with the initials AT (34) and A (36), both of whom were male.

“From the results of the arrest, a blue bag containing two packs of clear crystals was secured, allegedly two kilograms of methamphetamine narcotics under the control of the perpetrator with the initials AT”, said the Makassar Police Chief

Kombes Pol Witnu Urip Laksana explained that the perpetrators were both intermediaries and as dealers and this item was obtained from a male FR who was still in pursuit of drugs (DPO).

The two perpetrators were subjected to article 114 paragraph (2) and / or 112 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 Paragraph (1) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35 Year 2009 imprisonment for life

Furthermore, the network that we secured is suspected of being an old network of dealers who are currently still languishing in a correctional facility. This means that this group is still an old network and this type of methamphetamine drug from the perpetrators’ information was obtained from a FR man who is a Malaysian network.

“During the arrest, the officers were forced to make forced efforts to paralyze the perpetrators because they put up resistance when they were about to be arrested,” he explained.

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