Polri Holds Covid-19 Vaccination 2,282 For Retired Police Officers

JAKARTA – A total of 2,282 retired Polri or retired police officers from across the board have participated in the Covid-19 or corona virus vaccination held by the National Police Headquarters at the Tribrata Building, South Jakarta, Monday (8/3/2021).

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who was also present at the event, said the vaccination program for retired Polri officers was a form of love for seniors who had struggled to advance the Bhayangkara Corps during his time.

Moreover, said the Chief of Police, senior parties still continue to provide input and support to juniors who are still actively serving as law enforcement officers.

“There is a lot of input from the former Chief of Police and his support so that the preparation for the proper test until the inauguration can be carried out properly. We promise to keep the Tri Brata institution, “General Listyo Sigit said in his remarks.

According to him, this vaccination program is part of breaking the chain of the corona virus, especially those who are at the forefront of suppressing the spread of Covid-19 and the elderly (elderly).

“In a short time, the group of groups can register according to the KTP to carry out the vaccinations which have been divided per batch,” said the former head of the Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

The four-star general hopes that with the implementation of this mass vaccination, the number of Covid-19 spread in Indonesia will continue to decline. Moreover, currently, the Government is implementing Micro-based PPKM.

Since the implementation of the PSBB to PPKM, according to Sigit, the National Police has continued to be at the forefront of helping to reduce the spread of the corona virus.

“The National Police has prepared Tracer personnel and 11 thousand vaccinators and prepared a special battalion for vaccination. Places where interactions often occur, such as markets are also worked, it is hoped that immunity or immunity will emerge. The hope is 1 million per day while only 3-4 hundred thousand, “said the former Banten Police Chief.

With these efforts and hard work, General Sigit said, the government’s hope of growing the economy in Indonesia will be increasingly realized. Therefore, vaccination is one of the keys to realizing that goal.

“There is a new variant about Covid, when Covid is around us, we have immunity after the vaccine is carried out,” said General Sigit.

General Chairperson of PP Polri General (Ret.) Bambang Hendarso Danuri said today’s vaccination was attended by 2,282 participants, generally married couples over 60 years of age and also from various forces and units.

“This is a form of love by the juniors for seniors to break the chain of spreading Covid-19. We hope that more and more people will join this program, “said Bambang.

The vaccination was also attended by former National Police Chief Gen. (Purn) Timur Pradopo, General (Purn) Chairuddin Ismail, former Deputy Chief of Police Komjen (Purn) Makbul Padmanegara and General (Purn) Bambang Hendarso Danuri as Chairman of the Indonesian Police Association of Purnawirawan (PP) and Secretary General Inspector General. (Ret) Sunarko.

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