Check the Implementation of Health Protocols, Bali Police Mobile Brigade Unit Blusukan to Traditional Markets

Bali Regional Police – In order to support the acceleration in suppressing the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak in the Bali region, according to the Bali Governor Regulation Number 46 of 2020 concerning the Application of Discipline and Law Enforcement of Health Protocols as Efforts to Prevent and Control Covid-19 in a New Era of Life, the Bali Police carry out Ops Yustisi to ensure that the public will order health protocols.

This activity was carried out by joint personnel involved in the Safe Ops Nusa Agung II from the Brimob, Public Relations function and assisted by the Bali Provincial Satpol PP. The activity was led by the Head of Sub-Satgas Brimob, AKP I Made Sudiantara, Monday (01/03/2021).

The activities carried out include justice activities related to the implementation of health protocols, one of which is the use of masks. This activity was carried out in two places including Wangaya Market and Satria Bird Market, Denpasar.

In this activity, if a prokes violator is found, he will be given a warning if the community as the offender brings a mask but is not perfect in use and will be given a mask for free if the offender is found whose mask is dirty or unfit for use.

The purpose of this activity is to build community compliance or self-awareness regarding the application of health protocols in their daily activities, so that it becomes a new culture regarding health in order to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 Virus.

“With this activity, it is hoped that the public will comply with health protocols in their daily activities, so that the community will become part of the prevention of the emergence of new clusters in the spread of Covid-19,” said AKP Sudiantara.

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