MUSI RAWAS – In order to prevent Mura resort Police personnel from falling into and being involved with the trafficking of drugs and other additives.
The head of the Mura resort police, AKBP Efrannedy and the Deputy Chief of Police, Kompol Handoko Sanjaya held a urine test for the police chiefs, at around 10:00 WIB, Monday (22/2/2021).
“On purpose today, the police chiefs, after the morning apple, did a urine test,” said Mura Police Chief, AKBP Efrannedy when confirmed.
The Chief of Police explained that the urine test was carried out to prevent personnel from falling into and being involved with drug abuse and other additives.
“And, thanks to the results of the urine test, all personnel were declared negative, meaning that Mura Police personnel are clean from drugs,” explained AKBP Efrannedy.
Furthermore, the Police Chief explained, with a negative urine test result, it means that this is a joint commitment not to be involved with drug abuse.
“Because, it is clear that if there are personnel involved in drug trafficking, they will be processed according to the SOP,” he concluded.