First Dose of Covid-19 Vaccination for Police Members of the Trenggalek Resort

Trenggalek Police – A number of Trenggalek Police personnel today are following the first dose of Covid-19 vaccination. The first vaccination for members of the Police was held at the Sanika Satyawada stone park in the Trenggalek Police Headquarters area. Tuesday, (23/2).

Trenggalek Police Chief AKBP Doni Satria Sembiring, S.H., S.I.K., M.Si. when opening the event, he thanked all health workers who were willing to attend to vaccinate all members of the Trenggalek Police.

Polri members are among those who receive priority at this stage, given their duties and responsibilities that often touch directly with the community. In addition, Polri officers are at the forefront of accelerating the handling of the spread of Covid-19 so that they are quite vulnerable to being exposed to Covid-19.

“Even though it has been vaccinated, the same asks all members to remain vigilant, be careful, maintain health and apply disciplined health protocols.” AKBP Doni said.

According to the plan, vaccinations will be held for the next two days. To date, at least 410 personnel are taking part in the vaccination which is divided into two batches. The first wave is held at 07.30 to 10.00 WIB and the second wave is held at 10.00 to finish. while the rest will be carried out the following day.

Meanwhile, as the vaccination implementer, in addition to the Urkes element, the Trenggalek Police also collaborates with several Puskesmas in Trenggalek Regency, among others, the Karanganyar Gandusari Puskesmas, Baruharjo Puskesmas Durenan District and Suruh Puskesmas.

In practice, vaccination applies strict health protocols. Apart from being directly supervised by Sipropam as internal security, officers have also provided a quite large waiting room for both queues and observations.

Meanwhile, Trenggalek Police Member Bripka Futo Parietal Prasetyo, S.H. who happened to be present and participated in the vaccination said that after being injected the first dose he did not have any reaction. This proves that the Covid-19 vaccine is safe and lawful for the public.

“No reaction, just normal.” His words were short

Each personnel is required to wear a mask and wash their hands before entering table one for registration and data collection. Once done, shift to table two to get a health check. Followed by table three vaccine injections and observation for 30 minutes. If there is no reaction, you will get a Covid-19 vaccination certificate containing the name, NIK, and date of vaccination.

For those who have received the vaccine, the second dose of injection will be carried out 14 days or two weeks after that and will be carried out at each designated Puskesmas.

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