The Situbondo Police, joint officers from the Situbondo Police, Kodim 0823 Situbondo and Satpol PP Situbondo continue to optimize the Justisi Operation to enforce health protocol discipline and distribute masks to the community as an effort to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
Monday (22/2/2021) The Yustisi operation and for masks this time were carried out in the Asembagus district park by a combination of personnel from the Situbondo Police and Asembagus Police who are members of the Nusa Safe Task Force with the Asembagus Koramil and the Asembagus Satpol PP.
Iptu Public Relations Officer Nanang Priyambodo said Yustisi operations and masks were being promoted to support the success of the micro-scale PPKM which was also implemented in several areas in Situbondo Regency with the aim of preventing the spread of Covid-19 with empowerment and public awareness of health programs starting from the lowest level.
“It is hoped that the public will not be careless to always use masks when doing activities outside the home, so that no new clusters will emerge for the spread of Covid-19. We all have to support this Micro PPKM” he explained.
A number of officers stopped drivers who were found not wearing masks, then provided guidance regarding the importance of health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic and distributed masks for free to them.
“There are still many people or motorists who do not wear masks. Therefore TNI Polri and Satpol PP will continue to carry out justisi operations every day, “he concluded.
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