Head of Public Relations of the Police of East Kalimantan Region Attends the Opening of Virtual Public Speaking Training

Balikpapan – Head of Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Regional Police, Kombes Pol Ade Yaya Suryana, S.I.K., M.H., attended the opening ceremony of the Public Speaking training which was held virtually, Monday (22/2).

Head of Public Relations of Polda Kaltim Kombes Pol Ade Yaya Suryana, SIK, MH, said, “PR is no longer just a spokesperson, but can hone speaking skills efficiently to have competence and be able to transfer communication knowledge and Polri members are required to be good at communicating because information is not will be absorbed well without studying and practicing as well as practicing because two days is not enough to learn communication, “said Kombes Pol Ade Yaya.

In addition, “the role and function of Public Relations is very important in carrying out Polri’s duties because it connects information to the public in order to provide coolness, comfort and serenity in the community. another namely Lampung province, this is where Public Relations comes out in front to provide information about peace, comfort in the community and people are not rowdy and restless, “he added,

Kombes Pol Ade Yaya added that the participants in the public speaking training were attended by the Head of Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Regional Police, the Head of Public Relations of the Police / Polres ranks and the Public Relations operators of the East Kalimantan Regional Police.

The Head of Public Relations of Polda Kaltim asked the Head of Public Relations of the Police in the ranks of the East Kalimantan Regional Police to have the courage to provide information and raise positive news and suppress negative news of the implementation of Polri’s duties to the media, both print / electronic, online, TV or radio, not to let the information become void (Information Gaps ) so that the information received by the public is truly actual and factual, there is no confusion of information, explained the Head of Public Relations.

“Therefore, this training is very supportive and beneficial for Polri members in carrying out their duties,” closed Kombes Pol Ade Yaya Suryana.

East Kalimantan Regional Police Public Relations

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