Maluku Regional Police, West Seram Resort Police – West Seram Police Sector Waesala Police Personnel carry out routine activities to remind people to always apply health protocols (prokes) to prevent Covid-19, Thursday (18/2/2021).
The yustisi operation carried out in Waesala village was led directly by the Head of Sabhara, the Waesala Police, Bripka Nova Arianto.
In routine operations to enforce the discipline of the Covid-19 health program, drivers are reminded to always use masks correctly when doing outdoor activities.
Besides that, he is also reminded to apply the 4M, namely wearing a mask, washing hands, maintaining distance and avoiding crowds.
“The program enforcement activities are routinely carried out every day to remind the public and we also invite all people to work together and work hand in hand in dealing with this Covid-19 pandemic.” Concluded Bripka Nova
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