– Kapolres Muara Enim AKBP Danny Sianipar, S.I.K. received the arrival of the National Police Research and Development team at the Muara Enim Police, Wednesday (10/02/2021) at 08.30 am
The Puslitbang Polri team came to the Muara Enim Police in order to carry out research activities on the Level of Public Confidence in Polri’s performance in the Muara Enim Police Station and its staff.
Research activities led by Kombes Pol Drs. Yasirman (as the Head of the Research Team) with AKBP members. I Nengah Sukiarta, S.S., Main Advisor Ary Wahyono, M.Si. and Penata Triyanti, S.E.
Kombes Pol Drs. Yasirman in his direction, the aim of the research is to see the level of public trust from 5 police service functions, namely the Traffic, Detective, Intel, Binmas and Sabhara functions which are felt directly by the community.
In this research, there are 5 indicators of service levers that are seen, namely direct evidence (tangibles), reliability, responsiveness, assurance and conformance, he added.
The research was carried out by distributing questionnaires conducted by the team to the public online, said Kombes Pol Drs. Yasirman
Before the activity started, the National Police Research and Development Center profile campaign was played and followed by singing the Mars song, the National Police Research and Development Center and Hymne by the participants who attended the activity and then continued with the deepening of material.
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