Prevent Covid-19 Transmission, Police Buru Disseminate 3M to the Community – Free masks were distributed at the Namlea Inpres Market, apart from distributing masks, Buru Police personnel also appealed for health protocols, at the Presidential Market led by the Head of Sumda, Buru Police AKP.

One of the efforts made is to remind the health protocols to be enforced.

The Head of Regional Sumda AKP. Murni Hamsa said, in addition to adding personnel to enforce health protocols, her party also distributed masks to suppress the spread of covid-19

“We also gave masks to residents, especially those found not wearing masks,” said the Head of Sumda

This is done to foster public awareness and discipline in implementing health protocols in preventing the spread of covid-19 in a market environment where there are many community activities. Free masks are not only given to traders and buyers but also pedicab drivers, motorcycle taxi drivers, street vendors and shop owners around.

Kapolres Buru AKBP. Egia Febri Kusumawiatmaja, S.I.K., M.I.K through the Head of Sumda AKP. Murni Hamsa, S.I.K said that for the sake of public health and safety because the market is the center of community economic activity, they must still pay attention to health protocols and discipline themselves to implement 5M.

“Let’s follow health protocols together, always wear masks, maintain a safe distance, wash hands frequently with soap in running water, avoid crowds, and reduce mobility.” This is done to prevent and break the chain of spreading Covid-19, “said AKP Murni Hamsa

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