16,500 Liters of Disinfectant Sprayed and Thousands of Masks Distributed by the Berau Police and Joint Apparatus

humas.polri.go.id – Efforts to prevent the Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic have continued to be carried out in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan, one of which is by spraying disinfectant on roads and residential areas. As what was done by the Berau Police with joint personnel of the TNI, BPBD, Satpol PP, Health Service and PMI Berau Regency, Monday (8/2).

This activity was also attended by the Regent of Berau Agus Tantomo, Dandim 0902 / Trd Lt. Col. Inf Fardin Wardhana, Head of Emergency and Logistics Nofian Hidayat and the Berau District Prosecutor’s Office.

This is a follow-up to the Governor’s Instruction regarding Sterile East Kalimantan, one of which is by spraying disinfectants in various public places, places of worship, offices, markets and public service places.

By using two units of the Berau Police Armored Water Cannon (AWC) and one BPBD Damkar car, tens of thousands of liters of disinfectant liquid were distributed simultaneously in Tanjung Redeb City. Apart from cars, 5 manual sprays were used for spraying in residential areas.

Kapolres Berau AKBP Edy Setyanto Erning Wibowo said as many as 16,500 liters of disinfectant were targeted at inanimate objects and not for people. Spraying is carried out as one of the steps to prevent COVID-19.

“Our target is inanimate objects, such as cars, roadside poles and seats around the sidewalk,” said Chief of Police Edy.

Apart from spraying disinfectants, masks were also distributed to the public, especially traders. He said that it had been one year since COVID-19 was present, the spread in Berau was still experiencing a significant increase.

“There are still people who do not comply with health protocols. Among them are not wearing a mask when leaving the house. I feel not far, just close, so I don’t wear a mask, ”he said.

“Even though we know that the COVID-19 virus is everywhere. We don’t know, it could be that when we leave the house we get infected, because we don’t wear a mask. Especially if you go out interacting with many people. Even if we don’t get it, it could be other people who come into contact with us who are infected because we don’t comply with health protocols, “he explained.

In a separate place, the Head of Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Regional Police, Kombes Pol Ade Yaya Suryana, S.I.K., M.H., reminded us to continue to comply with health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“We certainly want to return to life as before. Let’s obey health protocols so that this pandemic will soon pass, “he concluded.

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